We are exposed to heavy metals every day. The air we breathe, our food supply, our drinking water, our clothing, cosmetic products used on a daily basis, all of these contribute to the toxic burden on our body.
The heavy metal load on the human body is being chronically increased in today’s world to the extent that, although not acutely toxic, will contribute to a decrease of the overall state of health and wellness of every person.
It has been stated that 90 % of all chronic and serious illnesses could be prevented if we were able to eliminate the 600 most dangerous environmental toxins (Dr. J. Higgensen, Head of Cancer Research, WHO, Geneva, Switzerland).
Until recently, most health care professionals and researchers assumed that heavy metals had to be taken into account only when a patient showed definite symptoms of ‘poisoning.’ It is now clear that our health and wellbeing is affected by much lower levels of heavy metals than previously assumed. This is evidenced by Health authorities constantly correcting ‘permissible’ maximum levels downwards.
A healthy body is able to bind (i.e. chelate) free heavy metal atoms, i.e. neutralise their electromagnetic charge and clear them out. If this mechanism is no longer able to function effectively because of the presence of excess toxins that have accumulated in the organism, the number of free radicals will increase. This effect will be felt even more if the body is suffering an antioxidant deficiency at the same time. In such cases, administering antioxidant supplements will not solve the real problem, which is the accumulation of heavy metal ion deposits in the body.
Such differentiation between metal atoms bound with organic complexes and unbound and therefore electromagnetically active ions is crucial in the assessment of the overall situation.
Fulhealth Industries has developed a simple and easy to use ionic Heavy Metal detection method using a highly sensitive chemical Diphenylthiocarbazone (Dithizone) reagent. It detects inorganic metallic ions, in any liquid including, amongst other things, urine, blood, saliva, extra cellular fluid and perspiration.
Why is the Heavy Metal Test Kit important?
The Heavy Metal Test Kit is the only test available in the commercial market that allows for a quick test of the presence of ionic metals in our body. The normal atomic absorption method available in laboratories only shows the presence of metals, indiscriminately whether they are ionic or not, organic or inorganic. The body will normally handle, i.e. remove if not used by the body, use if required by our body, heavy metals if they are in their organic balanced state. Hence, the measurement of ionic metals is very important, not just to detect the presence of metals but also as a check on our body’s chelating ability.
What does the Heavy Metal Test Kit measure?
Heavy Metal Test Kit measures our “body’s chelating ability” as it shows the ionic metals present in our body through our urine. The colour indicates the kind of metals that are in ionic form indicating the presence of metal compounds, which are not removed (chelate) from our body. As we chelate, the test shows the clearing of ionic heavy metals which allows us to continuously monitor.
What do the colours represent?
The colours represent the presence of ionic metals within the sample. If the body has good chelating ability, the sample will remain green. The presence of other ionic metals will produce different colours which within the sample may become mixed and non-distinct; however any change of colour shows ionic metals are present.
This test is included in the Initial Consultation Full Package.