Health in Harmony Naturopath Service

As an experienced naturopathic practitioner, I can help you understand your body better and discover how natural remedies, herbal medicine, whole foods and other whole-body approaches can help to restore your well-being. Together, we will find simple ways to make long-lasting changes, so you feel stronger, more relaxed and full of energy.

Leesa Picton


Hi, I’m Leesa, a highly qualified Naturopath with many years experience in treating clients for a variety of health issues.  I firmly believe that good health is an important part of feeling motivated about life and I’m passionate about helping you achieve your health goals.

I would love to work with you to find solutions to your health concerns, inspire you to be proactive about your health and help you to make long-term changes  in your diet and lifestyle so you can get back to doing the things you love!

I am particularly passionate about the power of herbal medicine to enhance general health and well-being and love tailoring herbal mixes into personalised therapeutic blends.

My goal with each new client is to customise a protocol that works – taking into consideration each person’s time, budget and personal circumstances.  Above all, I’m a realist.  I’ll work with you to find what you need right now and how we can get you moving in the right direction.

I am driven by a passion for helping people achieve their goals to health and wellness!

My special areas of interest include Microscopic Live Blood Analysis, food intolerance testing and compatibility testing to find the underlying drivers of symptoms leading to your health being out of harmony, addressing the cause of presenting symptoms for resolution and helping you every step of the way to bring your health back into harmony.

Some of my popular programs include detoxification, gut healing, energy reboot and total health reset.

I also assit to balance hormonal health incuding male and female fertility, menopause and premenstrual syndrome.  I also have a special interest in chronic and acute digestive disorders, stress and anxiety management, energy and sleep disorders.


  • Health Reset Programs
  • NER- Naturopathic Emotional Release programs
  • Detox for life programs
  • Gut repair programs
  • Food Intolerance Elimination
  • Parasite cleansing programs
  • Weight loss programs
  • Healthy aging programs
  • Magnificent Menopause programs
  • Happy & healthy hormone balance programs- PMT, PCOS, Endometriosis/ Adenomyosis
  • Preconception Care Programs
  • Healthy Pregnancy programs
  • Stress less programs
  • Energy Reboot Programs
  • Adrenal Fatigue Support program
  • Natural Cholesterol & Blood Pressure support program
  • Pain management & maintenance programs- acute &/or chronic pain

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